Trading Rules and Binder Updates

Hey guys yugioh is a great card game and all but sometimes we just want some extra back up card wise. So ive set this page up to explain all the rules about youtube trading and updates for my binder here are the rules for trading.

 H-High Want
 M-Mid Want
 L-Low Want

1.) Private message me on youtube to trade for cards, message what you want of me and what you will offer me. I use Troll and Toad to price cards so use that to price your cards, all card prices will be double checked by me if i don't message you back in a week than assume that i dont accept your deal.

2.) All cards sent via trade must be indevidually slipped and in mint condition if you do this than i will do the same. The first time you send cards for trade ill will send my cards after i have gotten yours, if the cards that you have sent have all of the above ( Been sliped indevidually, mint condition) then i will send you the cards that you wanted. I have no reason to not give you the cards that you want because its just a card game and thats bad sportsmanship to just not give the cards. If you honour your end of that first trade I will list you as a trusted trader.

3.) My wants will be listed bellow along with the cards that are not in good condition.

4.) I will post binder updates once every 2-3 months unless i get lots of good pulls before then.

5.) If you have any wants that you havent seen in a binder update dont hesitate to message me as I may have it else where like another deck. Trading will comence in october 30th 2012 (Sorry about the delay) there will be no address to post to until then. You can still message me about wants and i will list you bellow if you have cards that I want. Some cards like tour guide will go fast so you can try to reserve a spot.

6.) Finally if you have any questions just private message me. If you happen to stumble over this page without watching my chanel and you want to trade just search FindableBag6 in youtube and checkout the latest binder update.

Stuff That I Want
Money $$$
Stardust Dragon any Rarity M
Red Dragon Archfiend any Rarity H
Ancient Fairy Dragon any Rarity M
Power Tool Dragon any Rarity M
Terraforming L
Mirror Force - Duelist pack yugi L
Any Chronomaly Card that is an Xyz L
Any Ghost rare cards except rituals H
Monster Reborn ultra rare H
Elemental Hero neos Alius secret x2 H
Thunder King Ra-Oh H
Mind Control H
Beast King Barbaros Super Rare x2 M
Miracle Fusion Ultra Rare H
Pot of Duality Battle Pack rare H
Dark Hole Secret Preferably other wise any rarity H
Solemn Warning Super Rare H
Hero Blast M
Snowman Eater x3
Forbidden Chalice x2 H
Forbiden Lance x2 H
Shadow imprissioning mirror x2 H
Blade armor ninja H
elemental hero the shining x3 H
Elemental hero absolute zero x2 H
Elemental hero Nova Master
Elemenatl Hero Gaia H

Cards That are not good condition

Dark lucius lv 8
Ancient gear gadjitron dragon
Cyberdark keel and edge 3/4 Price
Cyberdark Dragon 1/2 Price
Cyber End Dragon 3/4 Price
XYZ Dragon Cannon
VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon
Gryphon Wing
Black Luster Soldier
Black Luster Ritual
Skyscraper 2

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